Unknown family, Glamorgan

We gratefully acknowledge the ongoing help and encouragement
  with this project provided by the following people and organizations.

Information on Romany families

Information on vardos

Selected Bibliography

Borrow, G, Lavengro and Wild Wales
Groome, FH, In Gypsy Tents, EP Publishing, 1973
Hall, Rev. G, The Gypsy's Parson: His Experience and Adventures, Sampson Low, Marston, 1915
Jarman, E & AOH, The Welsh Gypsies: Children of Abram Wood, University of Wales Press, 1991
Roberts, EE, With Harp, Fiddle and Folktale, Gee & Son, 1981
Sampson, A, The Scholar Gypsy, John Murray, 1997
Thompson, TW ?, Tales Collected from Noah Lock and Others, Gypsy Lore Society
Ward-Jackson, CH & Harvey, DE, The English Gypsy Caravan, David & Charles, 1972
Walker, SH, The Way to Camp, Pilot Press, 1946
Wood, MF, In the Life of a Romany Gypsy, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979
Yates, DE, A Book of Gypsy Folk-Tales, Pheonix House, 1948
Yates, DE, My Gypsy Days, Phoenix House, 1953


Gypsy Waggon Holidays


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Romani Cymru
Romany Wales Project